Demona's Musings MIDPLUG html Sample                                            Demona's Musings

(Yes, the above picture is me, Demona. It is a scan of a portrait that a friend did for my husbands birthday, last year. I know, it's not a very good scan.)


Some one once asked me what did being a Witch mean to me.
   That is something that is an individual thing. There is no certain thing that you can put your finger on and say, " this makes me a Witch". Being a Witch is something that you know in your heart. It is a lifestyle and a religion. Some are Witches, some are Wiccans, and some are Pagans. Each has it's own ideas on what they are. Some will follow the Rede-- "And ye harm none, Do as ye will", and some do not. Some follow the Law of 3, (or 10) and some do not. Being a Witch is a personal thing..
    As you can see, there is differences, as well as similarities. I believe that as long as you follow your heart, you will do fine. What is right for you, may not be right for some one else.
   Just calling yourself a Witch, or doing spells, does not make one a Witch. Some say that you are not a Witch, unless you have been initiated by a Witch. There are many Traditions in Witchcraft, or Wicca. All with there own ideas on how things are to be done.
    I am an Eclectic Witch --- This means that I do not follow any particular Tradition. I kind of mix and match from many Traditions. I am also a Solitary Witch -- Which means that I practice alone. I am not in a Coven. Witches are not the old, ugly witches of fairy tales. We are just like every one else. You may even have one living close to you. We have lives, jobs, children, and responsibilities just like every one else. We are just ordinary people.
  Being a Witch is a complex and a very individualistic decision. There is alot of work involved in being a Witch. This is an on-going learning process. You may learn the basics from  a book, or even from another Witch, but, most of your learning will come from living this decision each and every day of your life. You will learn new and better ways of doing your magick, through the school of Trial and Error.  The more you experiment with your own ideas, the more you will learn what is right for you.


  In Wicca, there are few " hard and fast" rules, the following is something that should be kept in mind as you are first starting out.
  The 1 3 Goals of a Witch
1. To Know Yourself
2. To Know Your Craft
3. To learn
4. To Apply Knowledge With Wisdom
5. To Achieve Balance
6. To Keep Your Thoughts in Good Order
7. To Keep your Words in Good Order
8. To celebrate Life
9. To Attune With the Cycles of the Earth
10. To breathe and Eat Properly
1 1. To Exorcise the Body
12. To meditate
13. To Honor the Goddess and the God

These are basic things to remember, whether you are a Witch or not.. They are basically just taking proper care of yourself, inside and out. Something for which all could benefit from.

This is a story from Aristophane's Speech. ( Plato)

The movie-- The Butcher's Wife-- with Demi Moore talks of this also. I just liked this story for some reason, so, I thought that I would add it here. I hope you find it interesting as well.
The Story of the Split-Aparts
....... For, originally, humans were of 3 sexes --- Double Male, Double Female, and 1/2 Male-1/2 Female.
Their Shape was globular and they possessed 2 sets of all limbs and organs. ( similar to Siamese, or Conjoined, Twins). When these mighty humans threatened Zeus, he decided to weaken them, by splitting them into 2. Apollo stiched their wounds together and they had the general appearance of normal men and women. Each 1/2 of the composite person sought out and embraced the other 1/2 with a passionate yearning for the original unity. Thus came about the love of man for man, woman for woman, and that of the opposite sex. Love is the search for the " other 1/2" and a desire for the wholeness of the 2 original parts.
..... a few words of inspiration.


The very most important thing to learn, is how to believe in yourself. The easiest way to do this, is start small. Don't try to move mountains when you are just beginning. The more of the "small" things that you achieve the more confidence you will gain in yourself.
2. RELAX !!!
This, I think, is the next lesson that should be taught to a beginner. Why ? Well, let's look at it this way -- if you are tense, nervous, or even uncomfortable with what you are doing, well, where does that put your frame of mind ? NOT where it should be, which is the ritual or magickal working you are doing. You are distracted, which detracts from the energy you are trying to focus. You need to be relaxed and comfortable, and just let things flow smoothly.
3. ENJOY !!!
 I am a firm believer in " if you're not happy with what you are doing", time to find out why. This might be nothing more than looking inside of yourself .
This is the very most important lesson, either magickally or mundanely speaking. If something doesn't "feel" right, don't do it !! Go over it and see why YOU think it is not for you. You may find another way of doing the same purpose, then again, you may drop it totally. Just remember to TRUST YOURSELF.

The 9 Basic components of Ritual

All of the following is to your preferences. You are the one doing these 9 steps, so if you are not comfortable with how it is done, work on it, adapt it to the way that you are comfortable with doing it.
1. Purification of Self.
This is basically, a cleansing act, such as a Purification bath, cleansing meditation, purification oil, etc. or a combination of all 3.
2. Purification of Space.
This is "sweeping" the circle, cleansing and purifying it in whatever means YOU prefer.
3. Creating Sacred Space.
This is the  "drawing" and consecration of the Circle. Calling the Watchtowers,( Guardians, etc.)
4. Invocation.
This is your invocation to the Deity, or Deities, of choice.
5. Ritual Observance.
This is the reason for which you are doing the ritual. Be it Sabbat or Esbat.
6. Energy Raising.
This is where you raise the energy for your working, and release it to accomplish it's goal.
7. Earthing the Power.
Also known as Grounding. This is where you ground the excess energy raised. This is done in many ways. A few are-- Cakes and Ale, placing your palms on the ground and sending the energy back into the Earth, or visualizing it leaving your body, through your feet, back into the Earth.
8. Thanking the Goddess and God.
You always thank the Deities for their participation, energies, etc.
9. Opening the Circle.
This is where you release the Watchtowers, and open the Circle. A common saying used here is-- " The Circle is now open, but, never broken."
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