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Demona's Water Page

Welcome to my Watery Realm, I hope you enjoy your visit, and stop by my guestbook, and let me know what you think of my pages. This is the way that I learned the Correspondences, you will learn your own as you grow in your abilities. 

Relates To~~ Fertility, and to the Love principle.
Direction~~ West
Season~~ Autumn
Symbols~~ Waning Crescent Moon, Shell, Cauldron
Instruments~~ Rattles, Rain Stick
Stones~~ Sapphire, Aquamarine
Places~~Oceans, Rivers, Sacred Wells
Life Cycles~~ Repose, Rejuvination
Plants~~Lotus, Aloe, Water Lily
Realm's Of~~ Emotions, Intuition, Feelings, Mysteries, Healing & Nurturing, the Regenerative Waters of the Mother.
Deities~~ Poseidon, Cerridwen, Venus, Mannanan Mac Lir
Faery Gifts~~ Cauldron of Dagda
Planets~~ Moon, Venus, Neptune
Colors~~ Blue, Aquamarine
(Trivia Time~~ Undine is from the Latin~ Unda~ meaning Waves. They are, the Creatures of the Waves.)
Elemental Ruler ~~ Necksa (Nexra, Neckra)
Archangel~~ Gabriel
Divine Name~~ Eh-Ei-Eh
Altar Tools~~ Chalice, Crystal Ball, Scrying Mirror, Bowl of Water
Sabbat~~ Hallowmas
Positive Traits~~ Compassion, Tenderness, Receptivity, & Fluidity, in the Creative sense
Vices~~ Instability, Indifference, Spinelessness, & Uncomitted Fluidity, in the Treacherous sense.
Tarot Suit~~ Cups
Zodiac~~ Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Wind Names~~Greek~ Zephyrus-- Latin~ Favonius

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