Land of the Free

Land of the free

The struggle for understanding

by Henry A. Muller

Special kinds of people do this truck driving job,
we're can do people,not your ordinary slobs.
We do what it takes,we get the loads there on time
then for hours we wait,not making a dime.

Receivers complain bout how much work they all do,
yet at 5 they go home;they haven't a clue!!
We often must choose between eat,sleep, or bathe,
so that the people,and the stores,get the goodies they crave.

They never see how it all came in on wheels,
how a driver sacrificed so theyd have hot meals.
They never see how,every thing that they use,
once rode in that truck, whose driver they abuse.

We have to go slower,and drive special lanes,
while driving 10 times the miles of the 4-wheelers who complain.
They're mad 'cause our trucks all seem so slow,
that we dont choose that speed, none of them know.

So many times I've heard people swear,
wishing the big trucks to be out of their hair.
We could just appease them,and all park for 2 weeks.
I'm sure that by then the store shelves would look bleak.

But maybe thats what it would take for the people to see,
that without truckers and trucks,there'd be no more land of the free.

*poor mans copyright 3/5/99 by henry a muller, a.k.a. caveman
I hereby give permission for this to be reprinted as a whole and complete
poem with the condition that I be notified of the publication that will use it.
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Special Notes:
This Page is very special to me. My husband is a truck- driver, so I know first hand what he goes through out there in the world. This little poem may not mean much to some, but, others-- it will mean more than can ever be expressed. I set up this site to let others know just what it is that a truck- driver goes through every day. So the next time that you see a Big Rig out there on the road, have a little patience with them. Alot of the things that they have to do-- they have no control over. A word of caution, the next time that you think that you can "beat" a Big-Rig, think first, it may save your life, or maybe even my husbands, or some one elses husband, or wife, that may be in that truck!

Thank you Caveman, for letting me use your poem . Maybe the word will get out that all of you are out there doing your job, the same as any one else. Goddess Bless you on your journeys, may she ever keep you safe from harm.

As written above, please have respect and do not use this poem without Caveman's permission. Thank you.


BoxingPoms Inc.


My first award for this new site ! Thank you Tessa !
March 3, 2000.
Click the award, it will take you to Tessa's Book of Shadows site. Thank you.

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