Demona's Fiery Realm   MIDPLUG html Sample

              Demona's Firey Realm

Welcome to my Firey Realm. Here you will learn a few correspondences for the Element of Fire. This is the way I learned them, but, you will learn your own ways as you grow in your abilities. These are just a few to get you started. So take a look around and stop by my guestbook and let me know what you think. Again, I would like to thank Crystal for the great background. To check out her site~~ just follow the link below. Now, on to the information.

Relates to ~~ "Action", and the "Light" Principle
Season~~ Summer
Symbols~~ Flames, Triangle, the Sun
Instruments~~ Strings, Horns
Stones~~ Ruby, Garnet
Places~~ Ovens, Hearths, Deserts, Volcanoes
Life Cycles~~ Fruition, Consumation
Plants~~ Basil, Dragon's Blood, St, John's Wort
Realm's Of~~ Will, Passion, Strength, Transformative Energy
Deities~~ Shiva, Cernunnos, Kali-Ma, Bridgid, Thorr
Faery Gifts~~ Sword of Nuada
Planets~~Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Colors~~ Red,( orange, yellow, gold, any Firey colors)
Elementals~~ Salamanders
( A bit of trivia~~Salamander is from the Greek " Salombe" meaning Fire Place. They are generally depicted as small lizard-like creatures.)
Elemental Ruler~~ Djinn
Archangel~~ Michael
Divine Name~~ Adonai
Altar Tools~~ Red Fire Candle, Thurible(-- Charcoal)
Sabbat~~ Lammas
Positive Traits~~ Courage, Daring, Valor against Evil
Vices~~ Anger, Jealousy, Hatred
Tarot Suit~~ Wands
Zodiac~~ Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
Wind Name~~ Greek~ Notus, Latin~ Auster

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