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 Demona's God Page

There is alot of information out there, easily obtained. This page is for my thoughts and ideas about my religion. Every one has their own ways of seeing the Divine, and this is just my way.
The Wiccan God is not the Christian devil. I once told my husband, that if you are going to worship some one or some thing, then it would be a good idea to at least believe in what it is that you are worshipping. I believe that there is evil in the world, but, nothing is totally evil, just as nothing is totally good. That is the idea behind the Wiccan God, and the Goddess, too. They both have their Good, or light, side, and both have their Bad, or dark, side. Just as we humans have the same light and dark sides.
For me, the God is represented by the Green Man. Lord of the Green Woods. I think this aspect is partial to me, as I grew up on a farm, taking care of livestock, tending gardens, and my early years were very much affected by the seasons of the year. Growing up on a farm has taught me that we are dependent upon the Earth for our survival, but, the Earth is also dependent upon us for it's survival. The above is just one of many Green Men. This one is my favorite.
     The Green Man is a symbol pre-Christian in His origins, but, later adopted by Gothic carvers and placed in thousands of churches and cathedrals throughout Europe, from Ireland and Scotland to Russia. He is usually shown as a male head formed as a leaf mask, often disgorging vegetation from his mouth. He stands for humanity's deep kinship with trees and woods, irrepressible life, and the cycle of renewal and rebirth.
        The Green Man is intimately associated with Robin of the Wood, the Green Knight of Arthurian legend, Jack in the Green, the May king, or Summer Lord, and with Cernunnos, the Celtic God of the Forest. He is also related to Silvanus, the Roman God of the woods, Adonis, born from a tree, and with Dionysus, Attis of Anatolia, Tammuz of Mesopotamia, Okeanus of Greece, and the Fool, first Arcanum of the Tarot. The Green Man was part of May Day festivals in England, Germany, Belgium, Czechoslovakia and elsewhere. Some festivals are celebrated even today, as at Hastings.
         An old English term for the countryside is  green mans.  And it is a favorite name for taverns-- in London alone, there are 30 pubs called-- The Green Man.  There are also a few Green Women, who remind us of the Goddesses, Asherah and Flora, the Nymph of Chloris, Dakshi the tree Goddess of India, and even Green sleeves. To William Anderson, author of the Green Man, he is also  the guardian and revealer of mysteries, the intelligence of the world of vegetation Who  knows and utters the secret laws of Nature, and  the life force that sustains us, but is beyond our power to control.
The above is from a parchment about the Green Man. I suggest reading Anderson's  The Green Man,  a very interesting read.

The Green Man is only one personification of the Wiccan God. Now, I will discuss a couple more.
BELENUS --Gaulish-- God of Light, The Shining One, associated with Apollo. He is married to BELISAMA. Belenus was the most widely worshipped Celtic God. Belenus is in charge of the welfare of sheep and cattle. Corresponds with the Irish God-- BILe. The Feast of Beltaine means  Fire of Bel.
CERNUNNOS-- Celtic--  The Horned One.  A God of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the Underworld. He was worshipped all over Gaul, and his cult spread into Britain as well. Cernunnos is depicted with the antlers of a stag, sometimes carries a purse filled with coins. The Horned God is born at the Winter Solstice,( Yule), marries the Goddess at Beltaine, and dies at the Summer Solstice, (Midsummer). He alternates with the Goddess of the Moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth, and reincarnation. Paleolithic cave paintings found in France that depict a stag standing upright or as a man dressed in stag costume, seem to indicate that Cernunnos' origins date to those times. Romans sometimes portrayed him with 3 cranes flying above his head.

There are many more Gods of many more Traditions. I hope to add to this site as often as I can.

      Charge of the Dark God

    Listen to the words of the Dark God, who was of old called, Bacchus, Donn, Anubis, Hades, Cernunnos, Setesh, Pluto, and by many other names. I am the shadow in the bright day, I am the  reminder of mortality at the height of living. I am the never-ending veil of Night where the Star Goddess dances. I am the death that must be, so that life may continue, for, behold, life is immortal because the living must die. I am the strength that protects, that limits, I am the power that says no, and no further, and that is enough. I am the things that cannot be spoken of, and I am the laughter at the edge of death. Come with me into the warm enfolding dark, feel my caresses in the hands, in the mouth, in the body of one you love, and be transformed. Gather in the Moon less night, and speak in unknown tongues, the Dark Mother and I will listen. Sing to us, and cry out, and the power will be yours to wield. Blow me a kiss when the sky is dark, and I will smile, but, no kiss returned, for my kiss is the final one for all mortal flesh.

I got this from a friend, where she received it, I do not know. I added it here, well, because it felt appropriate to do so.
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