Demona's Earth Page MIDPLUG html Sample  

Demona's Earth  Page

Welcome to my Earth  page. On this page, I hope to express to you what the Earth means to me, and a few Earthly correspondences, too. But, first, I would like to take this time to thank Crystal for her beautiful background, for this page and for my other Element pages. Thank you, Crystal. If you would like to see more of her work, which I strongly recommend, just follow the link at the bottom. Now, on to the Earthly Realm.
 I am a Taurus, which Astrologically, is a fixed Earth sign. Which means that I am a very Earthy type person, I love being close to the Earth, and being barefoot.( Typical hillbilly really). This explains why I decided to do my Earthly Realm first. The Earth is my favorite Element.Well, enough of my rambling, on to the correspondences.
First, I must say, that these are the way I learned the Correspondences. You will learn your own way, as you learn and grow. These are just to get you started on your way.


Relates to " Solidity". The solidity of having your feet firmly grounded in the Earthly element. It also relates to the "Law" principle.
Direction ~~ North
Season~~ Winter
Symbols~~ Square, Earth, Stories, Cornucopia,Salt
Instruments~~ Drums, Bones, any percussion instruments
Stones~~ Hematite, Malachite
Places~~ Caverns, Woods, Gardens, Fertile Fields
Life Cycles~~ Death, Rebirth
Plants~~ Patchouli, Vetivert
Realms Of ~~Body, Health, Manifestation, All Things Mundane
Deities~~ Demeter, Nerthus, Tammuz, Geb
Faery Gifts~~ Stone Of FAL
Planets~~ Venus, Saturn
Color ~~ Green ( browns may also be used)
Elemental ~~ Gnomes
( Just a bit of trivia for you, Gnome is from the Greek " Gnoma" meaning Earth-Dweller,(or Knowledge, depending on your references.)
Elemental Ruler~~ Ghob (Gob,Geb,etc.)
Archangel ~~ Uriel
Divine Name ~~ Agla
Altar Tools ~~ Pentagram, (Paten), bowl of Salt or Earth.
Sabbat ~~  Beltaine
Positive Traits ~~ Endurance, Respectability, Practicality, and Patience.
Vices ~~ Dullness, Laziness, Boredom, and Stagnation.
Tarot Suit ~~ Pentacles
Zodiac ~~ Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Wind Names ~~ Greek~ Boreas-- Latin~ Aquilo
   The Earth element is good for Prosperity, Monetary gain, Grounding, etc.

I hope to add to this as I find more of my notes. LOL. This will get you started on the path to learning what the Earth Element means to you.

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