Demona's Airy Realm MIDPLUG html Sample

           Demona's Airy Realm

Welcome to my Airy Realm. As with my other pages, I hope to add to this as often as possible. So have a look around, and I hope you enjoy your time at my site. Now, let's get to the information. Again, this is the way that I learned them, you will learn your own way, as you learn and grow. Again, I would like to thank Crystal for the wonderful background, check out her site, by following the link below.


Relates to "Intellect" and to the "Life" principle.
Season~~ Spring
Symbols~~ Circle, Birds, Clouds, Eggs
Instruments~~ Flutes, Bells, Pan-Pipes
Stones~~ Amethyst, Citrine
Places~~ Sky, Clouds, Mountaintops, Windy Places
Life Cycles~~ Birth, Initiation
Plants~~ Violets, Primrose, Apple
Realms of~~ Thought Processes, Intellect, Creative Ideas, New Beginnings
Deities~~ Maidens, Kore, Diana, Aphrodite, Young God of the Greenwood,Pan, Apollo, Mercury
Faery Gifts~~ Spear of Lugh
Planets~~ Mercury, Jupiter
Color~~ Yellow
Elemental~~ Sylphs
( A little trivia~~ Sylph, is from the Greek~ Sylphe~meaning Butterfly, they are generally depicted as beautiful, delicate beings with butterfly wings.)
Elemental Ruler~~ Paralda
Archangel~~ Raphael
Divine Name~~ Yod-He-Vau-He
Altar Tools~~ Bell, Thurible(smoke from incense)
Sabbat~~ Candlemas
Positive Traits~~ Diligence, Dexterity, Optimism, Joy of Living
Vices~~ Boasting, Squandering
Tarot Suit~~ Swords
Zodiac~~ Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Wind Names ~~ Greek~ Eurus-- Latin~ Eurus

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